Blogi: Technology and new solutions in healthcare

The healthcare sector is evolving with the development of technology and digitalization which is why we talk a lot about digital health these days. Technology is expected to respond to global problems caused by the aging of the population and the lack of healthcare professionals. (Cristea et al 2020.)

The transition from the old days to digital healthcare can be disruptive, but with technology, many issues related to health care can be solved. It can make health care easier to access, offer more person-centered and safe care, improve medical diagnosis, or make care professional’s work more efficient. But overall, it is important to understand that technology is not an end in itself. (Tian et al 2019.) The impact of technology in healthcare is huge, but new innovations can have barriers and obstacles. Especially when new technology solution is created, but its potential use with patients or people with special needs, has not been thought through enough.

Many perspectives and regulations must be considered when developing new solutions. Thus, to train future professionals in the social and health sector and in the ICT sector, the development of user-oriented, safe, and accessible products and services should be able to learn and adopt multi-professionally already during studies.

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